Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can you believe it?

Today was the boys Valentines Day party at preschool. They got to pass out valentines as well as receive them. The amount of candy they brought home was reminiscent of Halloween, not to mention they each had a couple of cookies as well.

On our way home, I gave the boys one cookie each to snack on, to tie them over until lunch. Lucas -as usual- plowed right through his cookie. Knowing he couldn't get another one since my hands were busy with driving, he asked Jaxon for a bite of his cookie. To which Jaxon replied, "oh sure" and gave Luke a bite. This happened about three times before I thought to take a picture on my phone.

Can you believe I have three year olds that willingly share their cookies? All the way until the last bite. They are such sweet monkeys.

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