Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Need. More. Hugs

Saturday night we had gone out to meet Brent, Jessica and Reagan for dinner. It was a dinner I had looked forward to all week, to sit and relax and chat with family. Just as the food was arriving to our table, Lucas started crying. My boys may be two and there may be three of them, but they have (in my opinion, anyhow) pretty decent manners when we go out to eat. We knew something was wrong with the little man. He just kept holding his ear and telling us "owie". I called the boys Dr and she agreed his ear infection was still lingering (even after 10 days of amoxicillin 3 times a day!) and called in a prescription for some Omnicef with orders we come in Monday to see her.

Luckily, Jessica is a prepared mom and had some baby Tylenol to gave Lucas -easing his ear pain until we got home. The rest of dinner was a blur, Luke wouldn't leave my lap and my perfect grilled Tilapia with a parmesan crust was quickly shoved in my mouth when ever I had a free hand to do so. Luckily, Don had the brilliant idea to order a scoop of ice cream for the boys and things quickly got back in the swing of normal for us. Everyone finally sat in their own chairs and dinner resumed.

Sunday evening, Don and I were watching a movie while the boys were happily playing in the living room around us. Wyatt started acting a bit sluggish and pulling at his ear. We popped some numbing drops in, making a mental note to also make an appointment for him on Monday as well as Luke. The Dr verified what Don and I thought, and both Lucas and Wyatt had ear infections. Jax was not thrilled when Don took the other two to the Dr's, leaving him to help me cook dinner. He got over the frustration with the promise of "candy" (a pinch of dry Fruity Pebbles in a bowl) and played in the sink with water while I cooked dinner.

Their little personalities are really coming through with the new vocabulary they pick up daily. Jaxon is a little negotiator, always asking for "one more time, Momma" when I tell him when something is the last one, or last time. Luke repeats everything he hears, and is still working on mastering the ABC's. He is a proud little guy, so when one of his brothers pitch in to sing the abcs, Luke will stop or tell his brothers "no abcs!"trying to claim it as his own. Lucas seems to have the best ability of conversing, when he wants to.

Wyatt doesn't say much that we understand, but he loves to read books over and over and over again. His current favorite is one the Smith's got him for Christmas. Something about peek a boo with Elmo and Grover. A Where's Waldo of sorts. He reads this book at least 12 times a day, lugging it around to whom ever has a minute to sit down and go through it with him. Wyatt is also very vocal about which cars or trucks he wants. He seems to be a shy talker, but he has lots of opinions for sure!

Hopefully, in a few days everyone will be feeling better. Don and I need to finish painting over the orange in our stairway and finish the flooring in the little nook the boys now have. I am looking for great toy storage ideas if anyone has any they'd like to share...


laraine said...

oh - your poor boys!!. Sounds like the 2 of us are keeping Dr. D pretty busy :-). I've seen her 4 times in the last 2-1/2 weeks.

I hope your little guys are also on the mend soon.

This bug that is going around just stinks!. Brian was doing so much better and all of a sudden today his nose was running and he was sneezing. Tonight he fell asleep at 5pm again and I couldn't get him up to eat so he's in bed for the night.

a portland granny said...

Hi, I left you a message on your scraping page. I love both of your blogs--your children are adorable and how fun to have such wonderful subjects for your scrapping experience!
