Tuesday, August 22, 2006

15 Month Check up

Ahhh, it is that time again. As of today, the boys are 15 months old. Time is flying by! All of them are all nice and healthy, gaining weight and inches! The lowest we have now is 15% on the height for Wyatt, but they are all getting closer to the 50th percentile. Except their heads....Apparently our kids have large heads, all over 50th percentile on that, even up to 75. Hmmmm. Big brains?
Lucas tops the chart at almost 24 lbs and 32 inches tall. Jaxon is next tallest at 31 1/2 inches tall, but is a half pound lighter than Wyatt at 21.6oz. Then Wyatt is 30 3/4 inches tall and almost 22 lbs. To see the boys in person, you would think Luke is more than just an inch and a quarter taller than Wyatt, but I guess the stats are what they are.
Wyatt is beginning to walk more then he crawls, and Jaxon is getting a bit braver and taking more steps here and there. Jaxon loves to walk, though. He just smiles so big he just about laughs while he is trying to concentrate. Could you imagine just learning to walk? It has to feel like flying for them after being so close to the ground for so long.
Here is a video of Luke the other night just being cute. He has begun the new sound of "boo".


Wendi said...

Great post!!!! Glad to know the boys are doing so well. :)

Amydeanne said...

followed the blog roll from CWO! YOu have beautiful children!