Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Little Lucas

There are so many things that make you uniquely you.

Your voice makes me laugh. It is so big and deep for a little boy and it has so many inflections when you talk. Your new favorite phrase seems to be, "ho-ey mo-yee!" (holy moley) and you make it sound like it has 8 syllables. Everything you say makes me laugh, just from the sheer ridiculousness that it is a 3 year old talking in 6 year old personality.

You are the little mommy of the group. If someone spills their water and gets distressed, you tell them it is okay. If they are hurt- you run up and tell them to let you see. You love telling us, "I have idea" when there is a certain way you want things to happen. You are the best behaved child ever. There is no straight defiance from you, but you make sure everyone is on a level playing field. If you want yogurt and I tell you there is none, you ask to see for yourself. You are a smart cookie.

Recently you have been brave enough to slide down the fireman pole at the playground. You won't do it yourself yet, but oh- how I wish I had a camera to capture your smile the first time you decided to give it a try. You love to jump from the high snake head at the sand pit area, and laugh at the shocked faces of people worried you will get hurt.

You are such a hard-to-pin-down boy. You resist lovins', but when I finally wrangle you over, you giggle the sweetest giggle once my lips touch your neck. On the rare occasion you want to cuddle, it is always with your Momma. If you are sick, to Mommy you run. But if you see your Daddy in a position you even think is compromising, you are attracted to him like a magnet. You like to sneak up on him and jump on his back and then giggle so loud when he plays along with you. He makes your eyes light up like no one else can.

Your little hands and feet are not so little. We call them your paws because they show us what a big man you will be when you grow up. They are always so warm, too. I can't think of a time I have touched your hands and they felt cold to me.

You are sometimes afraid of trying new things, but when you decide to tackle them, you do it with full intent to conquer. I know how hard it is for you to put yourself out there and try; and sometimes I try to push you a bit out of your comfort zone, but you always amaze me with how well you do things that you think you can't yet do.

You are so kind to everyone. Just the other night you guys picked out your clothes for the next day and Wyatt wanted the shirt you already had chosen. So you switched with him -without being asked to. You do things like that all the time. You give people room around you and never assume everything for yourself like most everyone does at that age, and even much older.

Your sense of humor is so off. We never know what will make you laugh, and so we are delighted to hear laughter explode out of your mouth at the silliest things.

Lately you have not been feeling so well. I am thinking it is the three rounds of antibiotics you had from your ear infection. It has been over a couple months, but you are just not yourself yet and it is beginning to worry us.

We love you so much and are so proud of you, little Lukey. You are the unexpected rainbow in our lives and I am so proud to be your Momma.


Anonymous said...

Awww, that made me cry, right here at work. Give the little man kisses and hugs from us and tell him we'll see him soon.
Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, that made me cry, right here at work. Give the little man kisses and hugs from us and tell him we'll see him soon.
Love you!!