Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Eve Eve 08

Don's work runs 6 days a week. Sundays are sacred and no trucks run that day, but any and all holidays that don't fall on Sunday, are still work days. Last year Don worked Christmas (the tips are plentiful at Christmas time) and even though I was thankful for the money, the holiday just didn't seem the same without him. This year he decided he would rather miss his Wednesday route than his Thursday route and we celebrated Christmas on Christmas eve. We figure the kids are little and they won't know the difference, and it still gave us a family day to celebrate on.

So on December 23rd, we opened a few presents mailed from family out of state and then hung the boys Christmas stockings up on our toy cabinet since we are without a fireplace. The boys were excited and ready for Santa to come, so we quickly brought the boys upstairs to go to bed. Don told his Mom to jingle a big bunch of bells when he gave her a signal and told the boys that when they hear the bells ring, it is Santa here with his sleigh. Well Vicky gave the bells a good jingle and all the boys got super still and silent -as if they were sleeping. They Wyatt popped up his head and started crying out, "no thank you, no, thank you!" He was scared, I think from a talking to he got earlier in the day regarding opening the door without Mom or Dad around. I told him that some people were not safe, and we needed to keep the door closed. Well, I think he put the scary people in the same category as Santa and got really scared of the ides of Santa in our house.

Here is a video of their before bed excitement.

Soon we got him settled down and all three went right to sleep. I started putting their tool workshop together and Don went with his Mom to do some last minute shopping. They were on the hunt for all things Thomas. After a few hours of wrapping presents, we all went to bed and got ready for the boys reactions in the morning.

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