Sunday, November 25, 2007

Christmas Spirit

This weekend Don and I have been exposing the boys to a bit of the Christmas spirit that is in the air. On Friday we made a trip to a restaurant in the mall and then walked around for a bit afterwards. The boys got to see all of the Christmas decorations- including the talking bear in the entrance, the caroling bears and they even got a chance to be introduced to Santa Claus! They were a bit hesitant about it, but luckily there wasn't a line so they were able to take their time to get comfortable around him. As far as sitting on his lap, I am not sure if they will decide they like him that much anytime soon. But, I am happy that they were at least accepting of him and not screaming while running away.

Saturday we went out to the District to see the big Christmas tree and hear the Christmas Carolers sing. The whole street was lined up with lighted trees and ornaments decorating the bushes. It looked really festive and the air was nice and crispy, probably the coldest the boys ever remember it being (mid 50's). I think the cold air filled them with a bit of spunk because as the night went on, they got a bit naughtier and naughtier until we decided it would be a good idea to take them home. Don was a fantastic hubby and brought them home and put them to bed himself while my Mom and I had a bit of one on one time, shopping for her New Year's outfit.

Last weekend we put up our Christmas tree while the boys were napping. It is new and we were impatient to see what it would look like in the foyer. We haven't got around to the ornaments yet, but the tree came with the lights already attached. Ever since the tree has been up, we have been talking about getting out the rest of the decorations. Today we spent all day cleaning out the garage to get to the Christmas decorations. It took 5-6 hours of pulling everything out of the garage and making piles of donating or selling and garbage piles. The boys loved running up and down the driveway with all their little treasures that we kept pulling out of the garage. Finally we finished up and cannot wait to get the lights hung up later this week.

Christmas is definitely in the air!

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