Sunday, May 06, 2007

Weekend Warriors

We had a slow and relaxed Saturday. Big plans to go to another fair got scratched when we realized it was just too windy to drive oven an hour away, just to have to worry about it being too much for the boys. Instead we went to The District for their Spring Fling and art show.
We have been working with the boys trying to let them walk with the wagon (instead of always in it) and Lucas was having a blast walking on his own. He did very well staying close by, preferring to "help" Don with the wagon by pushing the back of it as Don pulled it along. After a half hour or so, we let all three of them run in the grass area and get some of their boy energy out before we headed home.
Today was not so relaxing. This morning we took a trip over to Star Nursery to buy some new plants. Don has been working on a side fence area and we needed to replace the boganvillias that died when we had a freeze this winter. Once the boys went down for a nap, Don and I headed outside and worked on the yard for a full 3 hours. We have a little motivation to get it all done before the boys birthday party in a few weeks.
So now both the yard and our backs look a bit more pink =) Pretty in the yard, but not feeling so pretty on our backs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, a 3 hour nap? You are so lucky!!! Glad you had a nice time...hope your backs feel better soon.