Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Oh MY!

While surfing through some scrap sites this afternoon, I came across this picture.

Are you serious? Do people out there really think this would be FUN? My heart just about beats out of my chest looking at this picture, let alone thinking about someone I know walking on it. Anyhow, it is amazing that they can build structures like this and even more amazing that someone has the cajones to walk on it.

For more info go to The Grand Canyon Skywalk website


Anonymous said...

Man thats crazy!!!! I have to show Mike this, wait a minute, he would enjoy that. Lol!!!

Anonymous said...

I just saw something about this just this morning on The Early Show on CBS...I thought "whoever goes on that thing is NUTS!!!" I have severe fear of heights, and like being suspended 4,000ft above the grand canyon over some glass floors....no thanks...

The Amazing Trips said...

Unbelievable. Even more so is that it costs $75.00 to walk across that crazy contraption!!