Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little boy-isms

The boys with their buddy Austin

There are so many times that the boys say things that make Don and I chuckle. Here are a few from just this weekend.

On our way to the dog swim Saturday, Lucas asked "Is there going to be people lifeguards or doggie lifeguards?

Yesterday we drove by aunt Leigha's house and saw her outside. As she ran in to get Alan out of the house, Jaxon watched her run and said, "Aunt Leigha runs just like Wonder Woman!"

Leigha is pretty newly expecting. Very exciting news for us all, and makes topic of conversation daily. One day after Lucas got the news, he walked up to Leigha, tapped her belly, and said, "Hey, I didn't know you were growing a baby in there!"

Wyatt and Don were cuddled up on the couch Sunday morning. Don was trying to keep the noise level down since everyone was not awake. Wyatt cuddled into Don and let out a duck sized fart -and without missing a beat- turned to Don and said, "You did that!"

Wyatt has a tendency for falling asleep in the car, and one evening it was too late for him to catch a cat nap. About 2 weeks ago on our way to grab dinner, we could tell he was nodding off. Trying to think of anything to say to keep him awake, we asked him about ordering monkey poo for dinner. Obviously, it worked and turned into a crazy car ride with all three saying such colorful ideas about what to order.

A few nights ago we went back to the same place to order dinner. As we pulled into the parking lot, the monkey poo conversation started again.

Of course of all the things they forget, monkey poo is not one of them.

And last, I have a picture that needs no words.

1 comment:

laraine said...

Isn't this such a fun age? The things they say are adorable.

As for the picture..OMG that is totally hysterical. I was laughing so hard!