Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fertile Weekend

Our RE threw a big "Gifts of Life" party this past weekend. It was amazing to walk through there and see all the families that 2 amazing Doctors had brought together. Last year we had attended, but the kids were too little to check it all out. They just hung out in their strollers and drank their bottles while we talked to people.

We invited my mom to join us this time around and we were very glad she came! The boys were all about discovering the grounds! Don took them in the bounce house, but the older kids were a bit out of control and he took the boys out after only a few minutes. Jaxon loved the chaos though, he just was smiling so big...I think he wants a bounce house for Christmas (hint, hint) They did have a costume contest, but the costumes were ruined when they were washed. The brown dye ran all over the pants and bled in to the white and brown stripes on the cuffs and neck. Sad, but we had a good run out of them and I am glad we didn't ruin any regular clothes in the wash, too.

Last night Don went to get the mail. He gets it like once a week on a good week so there was tons of junk mail and bills to go through. In the pile of mail was a letter from my RE's office. Apparently our embryos storage is due. Last year it was a bit over $100. I think it is a bit steep for keeping them in a freezer, but you figure it is less then $10 a month and will buy us a year of undecided bliss. You can image our disdain to see this year the bill has gone up to $400! Wow! There is no way we can just throw $400 out there to stay in the undecided mode. I am quite positive that if we had gotten a mix of girls and boys instead of all three boys, this wouldn't be an issue. Except we would have to decide what to do with them. But we need to decide if we are going to regret not ever having more and not having a girl.

I have to be honest here, I love my boys. I never thought I would want one boy, let alone three. But now I am thrilled with what I have been blessed with and am glad they are all boys. And I am so glad we have all three at the same time. I am thinking it will make our life so much easier when they get older and are all in the same grade, same fieldtrips, same sport teams, etc. BUT.... being it took us 6 years to get to where we are, am I ready to say we are all done only after 2 years? But will we be able to continue to pay storage every year just to decide later that this is it? I think that it is time to do some serious praying and soul searching. As soon as I can stop procrastinating, I will get right on it.


The Amazing Trips said...

These are really difficult decisions to make ... especially when you have triplets. We have some good friends that had 10 frozen embies. They defrosted them when her trio were 2.5 ... and four survived the thaw. On the day of the transfer, only two were doing well and those two were transferred. Her first tests indicated pregnancy, but a few days later, her betas dropped. She tells me that she felt like she gave her embies a chance and that was the best she could do.

If we still had frozen embies, I would probably consider a transfer - but not right now. I'd at least want our kiddos to be on their way to potty training. (That's why this "surprise" was such a HUGE shock. We are still reeling from it!) The added cost of an increasingly yearly rent really does put pressure on you to make a decision.

Good luck with your soul seaching. I'm sure the "answer" will come to you! :)

Michele S said...

I've been thinking about this today, since I talked to you. Here is my thought. I bet they raise the fee on purpose after a year or two, to "force" you into deciding to cycle again, therefore giving them a BUNCH OF MORE MONEY.

Now this is absolutely no help to you at all in your decision-making.... sorry! But I bet they do it on purpose. Call 'em and ask 'em!!!