Lucas at Coronado Island |
Wyatt found a giant clam that he and Lucas tried to keep the seagulls away. |
For spring break, we went camping at San Clemente. The weather was a bit off the first day, so we decided to show your Dad Coronado Island because we thought he'd love the low incoming jets. The weird weather kept away lots of beach goers, but it got us a prime parking spot and lots of running room to play in.

There must have been a low tide or something because there was a secondary beach like area on the right side of where we were. It was a beachy area, and then it would get about knee deep and then beachy again. We each spotted sand dollars and other pretty shells.
Our campground spot wasn't much to look at when we pulled up, but we are learning how first looks can be deceiving. There was plenty of space for everyone to have fun. The boys played in a small wooded area and swung around on the swing we keep in the camper. It was the first time sap came out of the tree and landed in the kids hair, but we dealt with that too :) It's all part of the experience, right?
The next day we were back at the beach. Lots of gross seaweed fun and jumping through the waves. The water was so cold, but boogie boarding was enjoyed as usual. This year we had a cootie travel with us. It caused some unexpected pit stops on the drive up to San Clemente, but once we got there, the vomiting stopped to about once a day. It rotated between Lucas and Jaxon, Wyatt was lucky enough to not catch it.
We found a sand couch! |
You LOVE the beach! |
Luke trying to build an island |
There is no where I feel more relaxed at than the beach. The sound of the waves, the breeze and sunshine just makes me at peace. I love that you boys seem to love the beach as much as I do. There is always something to do- be it playing in the water or playing in the sand. One day your dad will love it as much as we do :) Or at least the memories will be worth it for him.
Jaxon and Wyatt wanted to walk back from the beach |
While we were on vacation, there was a lunar eclipse they called the "blood moon". We stayed up to see the moon turn dark, but the day of sun and surf wore us down and your dad and I went back in the camper before the eclipse turned red.
One of the days in California, we decided to spend the day in LEGOLAND. It was lots of fun, as usual. Wyatt was finally tall enough to do all the rides alone! He didn't seem too excited about it, but we were excited for him. This meant Don and I spent more time hanging out and watching the boys on their own.
All of them alone! Check out Jax's driving feet. |

One of our first time at LEGOLAND, Don tried this ride with the boys. They only allow 4 people, so back then it was 3 5 year olds. Man, it was hard work for Don then! This time it was much more enjoyable for all 4 of them with three 8 year olds with big muscles! My handsome guys!!
Lucas and Luke Skywalker |
Chewbacca |
Lego Las Vegas |
Lucas and Jaxon working their Kid Power |
Jaxon won that Pikachu with his own money. |
Your Dad and I got to try to get you wet with the water bombs! |